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Mastering Dynamic Filtering and OnLookup Triggers in AL Programming: Creating a Book Management System in Dynamics 365

In the world of business applications, customization, and efficient data management are crucial. In this blog, I delve into the intricacies of AL programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central to create a custom Book Management System. This system includes dynamic filtering, field-level triggers, and OnLookup triggers to ensure seamless and efficient data management. I've included a comprehensive AL Programming Multiple Choice Quiz alongside detailed explanations to test your knowledge and reinforce key concepts. Let's explore the details of this implementation.

Creating the Book Card Page (Page 50100)

The Book Card page serves as a detailed view for managing individual book records, incorporating dynamic filtering and field-level triggers. You can find the complete code for the Book Card page here. Don't forget to star the GitHub page!

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Filtering: The Book Title field is dynamically filtered based on the selected Book Genre.
  • Field-Level Trigger: The OnValidate trigger on the Book Genre field updates the available book titles.
  • OnLookup Trigger: Provides a lookup functionality for selecting book titles based on the genre.

Defining the Book Table (Table 50100)

The Book table stores essential information about each book, ensuring data integrity with dynamic filtering. You can access the complete code for the Book table here.

Key Features:

  • Book ID as the primary key.
  • Fields for Book Publisher, Book Genre, and Book Title.
  • Dynamic Filtering with TableRelation ensures book titles are filtered based on the selected genre.

Creating the Book Title Table (Table 50101)

The Book Title table holds titles categorized by genre, facilitating dynamic data handling. Check out the complete code for the Book Title table here.

Key Features:

  • Fields for Title and Book Genre.
  • Composite primary key on Title and Book Genre for unique entries.

Designing the Book Title List Page (Page 50101)

The Book Title List page allows users to view and select book titles efficiently. You can find the complete code for the Book Title List page here.

Key Features:

  • List view of book titles categorized by genre.
  • Integration with the Book Card page for seamless data management.


For more detailed tutorials and insights on AL programming, stay tuned to our blog. If you're new to AL programming or preparing for Business Central interviews, refer to this comprehensive e-book:

Don't forget to star our GitHub page for more valuable content!


By following the steps outlined above, you can create a robust Book Management System in Dynamics 365 Business Central using AL programming. This system provides dynamic filtering, field-level triggers, and OnLookup triggers to ensure data accuracy and efficiency. Dive into AL programming today and unlock the full potential of Dynamics 365 Business Central!

In conclusion, mastering AL programming concepts such as triggers, field properties, and data classification is essential for developing robust solutions in Dynamics 365 Business Central. I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and clarity. Don't forget to challenge yourself with our AL Programming Multiple Choice Quiz to solidify your understanding and identify areas for further learning.

Video Reference

AL Programming Dynamic Filter and Onlookup trigger MCQ Quiz
1. What is the primary purpose of the OnLookup trigger in AL programming?
A. To validate field data
B. To dynamically filter records
C. To provide a custom lookup experience for selecting records
D. To update field values based on user input
Explanation: The OnLookup trigger is used to provide a custom lookup experience in AL programming.
2. Which field in the Book table is set to dynamically filter the Book Title field based on genre?
A. Book ID
B. Book Publisher
C. Book Genre
D. Book Title
Explanation: The Book Genre field dynamically filters the Book Title field based on genre.
3. In the Book Card page, what does the OnValidate trigger for the Book Genre field do?
A. It filters the Book Title field.
B. It updates the Book Title options.
C. It validates the entered Book Genre.
D. It updates the Book Publisher field.
Explanation: The OnValidate trigger for Book Genre updates the Book Title options on the Book Card page.
4. What data classification is used for the fields in the Book table?
A. Public
B. Private
C. CustomerContent
D. SystemContent
Explanation: The fields in the Book table are classified as CustomerContent.
5. Which of the following fields serves as the primary key in the Book Title table?
A. Title
B. Book Genre
C. Book ID
D. Both A and B
Explanation: Both Title and Book Genre fields serve as the primary key in the Book Title table.

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