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Task 5: Learning Table Properties in Dynamics 365 Business Central - Beginner to Builder: Your Path in Business Central Development step by step tutorial



Understanding and utilizing table properties in Dynamics 365 Business Central is essential for customizing tables to meet specific business needs. This task focuses on familiarizing developers with various properties that can be set for tables and their fields, providing a robust foundation for advanced table management and customization.


By the end of this task, you will:

  • Understand key table properties.
  • Learn how to customize table behaviors.
  • Apply properties like Editable, InsertAllowed, ModifyAllowed, and DeleteAllowed to control data management and user interactions.

Understanding Table Properties

Table properties in Business Central define the behavior, appearance, and capabilities of tables. They allow developers to tailor tables to specific requirements, ensuring data integrity, usability, and security. Here, we explore some fundamental properties and their applications.

Editable Property

  • Definition: The Editable property determines whether the data in a table or field can be edited by users.
  • Usage: Setting this property to false makes the field read-only, preventing any modifications. This is useful for fields that should remain constant once set, such as a record creation date.
  • Example:
field(1; "Customer ID"; Code[20]) { Editable = false; }

InsertAllowed Property
  • Definition: The InsertAllowed property controls whether new records can be inserted into the table.
  • Usage: Set this property to false to prevent users from adding new records. This is often used in lookup tables or when records should only be created through specific processes.
  • Example:
table 50100 "Custom Table" { InsertAllowed = false; }

ModifyAllowed Property
  • Definition: The ModifyAllowed property specifies if existing records can be modified.
  • Usage: Use this property to protect records from being altered after creation, ensuring data integrity for historical records or logs.
  • Example:
table 50101 "Immutable Table"
    ModifyAllowed = false;

DeleteAllowed Property

  • Definition: The DeleteAllowed property controls whether records can be deleted from the table.
  • Usage: Set this property to false to prevent the deletion of records. This is crucial for audit trails, transaction logs, and any table where data retention is important.
  • Example:
table 50102 "Protected Table"
    DeleteAllowed = false;

Applying Table Properties: A Case Study

Consider a table designed to manage customer loyalty points. This table needs to be highly controlled to maintain the integrity of loyalty data. Here’s how you can apply the discussed properties:

  1. Table Definition:

table 50103 "Customer Loyalty Points"
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        field(1; "Customer ID"; Code[20])
            Editable = false;
        field(2; "Loyalty Points"; Integer)
            Editable = true;

        key(PK; "Customer ID")
            Clustered = true;

    InsertAllowed = false;
    ModifyAllowed = true;
    DeleteAllowed = false;


  • Editable = false for "Customer ID": Ensures the customer identifier remains unchanged after creation.
  • InsertAllowed = false: Prevents unauthorized addition of records directly into the table.
  • ModifyAllowed = true: Allows updates to loyalty points as customers earn or redeem points
  • DeleteAllowed = false: Protects the integrity of loyalty data by preventing deletions.


Mastering table properties in Business Central empowers developers to create secure, reliable, and user-friendly applications. By understanding and applying properties like Editable, InsertAllowed, ModifyAllowed, and DeleteAllowed, you can control how data is managed and interacted with, ensuring the application's robustness and data integrity.

Further Reading

For more detailed information on table properties, refer to the official Microsoft documentation on table properties.

Call to Action

Start experimenting with table properties in your Business Central environment. Share your experiences or any questions in the comments below. Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will delve deeper into table relationships and keys.

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