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Hands-On Power BI Data Import Exercises: Excel, PDF, and CSV (Power BI Exercises - Import data into Power BI)

Power BI Exercises - Import data into Power BI

Exercise 1: Import Excel Data


You work for a retail company, and you've been given an Excel spreadsheet containing sales data for the past year. Your task is to import this data into Power BI for analysis and visualization.

Data Download URL: https://community.tableau.com/s/question/0D54T00000CWeX8SAL/sample-superstore-sales-excelxls

Watch this video to learn about importing Excel data into Power BI




  • Download the Excel file from the provided URL.
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Import the Excel data into Power BI.
  • Create a table or visual that shows the total sales by product category.
  • Create a line chart that displays the monthly sales trends.

Exercise 2: Import PDF Data


You are working for Amazon, and you've received a PDF report containing data. Your goal is to extract and import this data into Power BI for further analysis.

Data Download URL: Coming Soon



  • Download the PDF report from the provided URL.
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Import the PDF data into Power BI. You may need to explore the available options to extract the data correctly.
  • Create a table or visual that displays the average survey scores by question.
  • Create a bar chart that shows the distribution of survey responses for a specific question.

Exercise 3: Import CSV Data


You are an HR analyst, and you've been given a CSV file containing employee data, including names, departments, and salaries. Your task is to import this CSV data into Power BI for HR analytics.

Data Download URL: https://gist.github.com/kevin336/acbb2271e66c10a5b73aacf82ca82784


  • Download the CSV employee data from the provided URL.
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Import the CSV data into Power BI.
  • Create a table or visual that shows the average salary by department.
  • Create a scatter plot that visualizes the relationship between years of experience and salary for employees.

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