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Mastering List Functions in Business Central AL Programming: A Comprehensive Guide


Business Central AL programming leverages the list data type to manage collections of items efficiently. To enhance the capabilities of lists, developers can utilize a wide range of functions designed to manipulate lists seamlessly. These functions allow adding, removing, searching, and modifying elements within a list. In this blog, we will explore the significance of list functions in Business Central AL programming and delve into individual functions with their purposes and examples.

Importance of List Functions

Lists are fundamental data structures frequently used in programming to store and organize multiple items of the same or different types. Mastery of list functions is essential for developers seeking to build robust and scalable applications. These functions not only simplify code but also optimize performance by offering efficient algorithms for common list operations. Understanding and effectively using these functions can significantly streamline development and enhance overall productivity.

Please check the YouTube video for a comprehensive explanation

1. Function: Add()

Purpose: The Add() function appends an element to the end of the list.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];





2. Function: Contains(X)

Purpose: The Contains() function checks if a specific element 'X' exists in the list, returning true if found; otherwise, false.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

var elementExists: Boolean;

elementExists := myTextList.Contains('DYNAMICS 365'); // Returns true


3. Function: Get(index)

Purpose: The Get() function retrieves the element at the specified 'index' in the list.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];

myIntegerList.AddRange([10, 20, 30]);

var thirdElement: Integer;

thirdElement := myIntegerList.Get(2); // Retrieves the element at index 2 (30)


4. Function: Set(index, X)

Purpose: The Set() function updates the element at the given 'index' with the value 'X.'



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

myTextList.Set(1, 'NAV '); // Replaces 'DYNAMICS 365' with 'NAV' at index 1


5. Function: Insert(index, X)

Purpose: The Insert() function adds an element 'X' at the specified 'index' in the list, shifting other elements accordingly.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];

myIntegerList.AddRange([10, 20, 30]);

myIntegerList.Insert(1, 15); // Inserts 15 at index 1, shifting other elements


6. Function: Remove(X)

Purpose: The Remove() function removes the first occurrence of element 'X' from the list.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'HELLO ', 'CENTRAL');

myTextList.Remove('HELLO'); // Removes the first occurrence of 'HELLO'


7. Function: RemoveAt(index)

Purpose: The RemoveAt() function deletes the element at the specified 'index' from the list.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];

myIntegerList.AddRange([10, 20, 30]);

myIntegerList.RemoveAt(1); // Removes the element at index 1 (20)


8. Function: Count()

Purpose: The Count() function returns the number of elements in the list.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

var totalElements: Integer;

totalElements := myTextList.Count(); // Returns 4


9. Function: AddRange(X, [X], [X], ...)

Purpose: The AddRange() function allows adding multiple elements to the end of the list at once.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

myTextList.AddRange('INTELLIGENCE ', 'CLOUD'); // Adds 'INTELLIGENCE' and 'CLOUD' to the list


10. Function: GetRange(index, count, List of [X])

Purpose: The GetRange() function extracts a sublist from the original list, starting at 'index' and containing 'count' elements.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];

myIntegerList.AddRange([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);

var subList: List of [Integer];

subList := myIntegerList.GetRange(1, 3); // Extracts elements [20, 30, 40]


11. Function: RemoveRange(index, count)

Purpose: The RemoveRange() function deletes a specified number of elements, starting from the given 'index,' in the list.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

myTextList.RemoveRange(1, 2); // Removes elements ['DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ']


12. Function: IndexOf(X)

Purpose: The IndexOf() function returns the first index of element 'X' in the list. If not found, it returns -1.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'CENTRAL');

var index: Integer;

index := myTextList.IndexOf('DYNAMICS 365 '); // Returns 1


13. Function: LastIndexOf(X)

Purpose: The LastIndexOf() function retrieves the last index of element 'X' in the list. If not found, it returns -1.



var myTextList: List of [Text];

myTextList.AddRange('HELLO ', 'DYNAMICS 365 ', 'BUSINESS ', 'HELLO ');

var lastIndex: Integer;

lastIndex := myTextList.LastIndexOf('HELLO '); // Returns 3


14. Function: Reverse

Purpose: The Reverse function inverts the order of elements in the list.



var myIntegerList: List of [Integer];

myIntegerList.AddRange([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);

myIntegerList.Reverse(); // List becomes [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]


AL Code example

To find the AL code examples, navigate to the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/Gomathikrishna/D365-Business-Central-AL-Programming/tree/main/Built-in%20functions

Also, consider starring the GitHub page for future use and easy access to the valuable AL code examples.


Mastering list functions in Business Central AL programming is essential for proficiently managing collections of data. These functions empower developers to perform various operations effectively and manipulate lists effortlessly. By utilizing these list functions efficiently, developers can create elegant and high-performing applications in Business Central. Embrace the power of list functions and elevate your Business Central AL programming to new heights of productivity!

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